Airline credit cards are popular among many people who fly regularly. If you often fly with a specific airline for your work or just for fun, you may want to apply for an airline credit card. However, premium credit cards, which often have annual fees that can cost hundreds of dollars, may be interesting to you. How do you know they’re worth it? Next time you’re looking at United credit card offers and offers from other airlines, here are a few of the benefits you might want to look out for.
1. Trip Insurance
Trip insurance is different for every card, but it often includes reimbursement for cancellation fees, change fees, and lodging requirements in case your trip is canceled or interrupted. Insurance may be a good way to avoid unexpected fees outside a flight if something about the flight goes wrong.
2. Free Checked Bags
Checked bags are often expensive nowadays, and if you want to bring a checked bag onto your flight, you may be looking at some pretty steep fees. Instead of paying those, you might be able to get at least one free checked bag with your premium credit card.
3. Access to Special Events
Many airlines offer events that are only accessible to cardholders. These events may include discounts, deals, and special access to certain options, all included as part of your premium credit card. Think of it like an email newsletter, but better.
4. Statement Credit for In-Flight Purchases
In-flight purchases may include food, drinks, in-flight entertainment, and even wi-fi. However, these things can be a bit more expensive than you’d like on a plane. Many premium airline credit cards offer a discount when you make in-flight purchases.
5. Statement Credit for Pre-Check Applications
TSA Pre✓ and Global Entry are options that can make it much easier for you to fly internationally or domestically. With these options, you don’t have to go through many security clearances when you get to the airport. However, they can also be expensive. Many premium airline credit cards give you a credit for those applications, so you can do them for free.
6. Special Upgrades Year-Round
Depending on the credit card, you may be eligible for different types of upgrades when you book flights. For example, you may sometimes be able to upgrade the class of your flight when available and you may be able to get priority check-in. These upgrades can make it worth your while if you like getting little freebies every time you travel.
While a premium airline credit card’s yearly fee may not be for everyone, it can be a worthwhile investment if you regularly travel with a specific airline. The benefits you receive are often worth more than the yearly fee itself. If all of these benefits sound great and you have the extra few hundred dollars available, opting for a premium credit card can be the best way to get a better experience.