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What Is Web Hosting 2021?
In This Article I’m going to explain everything you need to know about web
hosting at the end of this Article you’llhave all the information you need to make an informed decision.
The basics hosting is the home of y
our website if you’re on a websiteyou’ll need somewhere to host it that’s exactly what web hosting is now.
Some Types Of Hosting :
Some Types Of Hosting :
Different types of hosting services.
shared hosting
Virtual Private servers
you’ve got shared hosting resellerhosting Virtual Private servers or VPSand dedicated servers. but we’re going to be looking at shared hosting. in this article because that’s the most popularand affordable type of hosting.
so hosting is basically the computer and network infrastructure that keeps yourwebsite available across the internet italso provides other key services like email for you.
How does it all work?
well it all starts with a server whichis basically a powerful computer whichis stored in a highly securepurpose-built multi-million poundfacility called the data center.
the Datacenter provides the network and poweredconnectivity with temperature controlbackup systems fire suppression and highlevels of physical security.
security is also important at the server level sothe servers are actually built with dualcomponents four critical componentsthings like hard drives and power supplyunits and the reason for this is to makesure that your website is available.
Butall times so when you order a hostingservice what you’re actually purchasingis the physical disk space on the serveras well as the bandwidth which is anetwork connection for the server andyou’ll often see hosting advertised interms of disk space and bandwidth so youmight see.
for example five gig five gigabytes of disk space and 100gigabytes of bandwidth per month so thedisk space that covers your website andall of your files including key filesthings like your emails and the monthlybandwidth allowance this is the amountof traffic that comes in and out of yourweb science and your hosting space.
So that will usually most of it will bemade up by email traffic in and out butalso things like people visiting yourwebsite and where you actually publishyour website files in order to manageyour web hosting you’ll need access to auser-friendlyinterface called a control panel the oneof the most popular control panel iscalled cPanel.
This allows you to manage key areas of your hosting thingslike setting up email addresses managing domains and forwarding managing databases that kind of thing and thisshields you basically from any of thesort of technical aspects of the hosting .
And-if you wants to build your own websites you can use a tool like website builder which is included and this basically allows non-technical users to build and maintain a website and it uses templates pre-made templates you just add your owntext and images and then can publish itfor more advanced users or maybe you’ve got a web designer then there are more advanced toolsand applications whichare included for free.
so you can sort of manage databases and also use othertools to build your website and these kind of saw these applications these include popular content management systems like WordPress as well as more advanced ecommerce tools.
likePrestaShopand and Magento so you can start selling online other security features arethings like anti-spam software and databackup and these ensure the integrity of your email and your data.
if you’rewith one hosting company and you want totransfer to another hosting companythat’s very straightforward this is aprocess called migration and basicallyyour files are copied from your currenthosting to your new hosting servicethere are just a couple of small changesthat need to be made to your domains and name server settings for that process to be fully completed.
There you have it that’s your quick guide to webhosting I hope you found that useful.