To Err it is human
Everyone should have at least one experience with a computer error during this time. Bank accounts are abruptly reported to be over $ 379 million, donations are frequently sent to people with a bad name at your address, departmental department sends in bad credit, state-owned companies say they cancel everything, that’s it.
if you have been able to contact someone and complain, then you are typing without proof, the guilty letters from the same computer, say,
“Our computer went wrong, and changes were made to your account.”
these should be very serious, very blind hazards.The errors are believed to be part of the normal behavior of a good machine. if things go wrong, it must be a mistake, a personal error, a filing result, a distraction, a button click, a person hitting the wrong key, the wrong key. The computer, in its capacity, makes no mistake.
I wonder how true this can be. after all
everything The poinr of the computer is that it represents the expansion of the human mind, which is much more advanced than that of a superhuman being.